
Monday, March 8, 2010

And the Oscar for Best Makeup Goes To...

I am so happy to see a bold lip that is not red! Sandra and Maggie (who wore Chanel Rouge Coco in Paris and Nars Shiap respectively) were not overpowered by their gorgeous lips; instead, it added the perfect amount of colour to their faces. I will absolutely be reaching for my fuschia lipsticks now that this trend has been revived.

1) Sandra Bullock

2) Maggie Gyllenhaal

3) Rachel McAdams

4) Jennifer Lopez

5) Zoe Saldana


  1. Great takes on the evening's wares. I did think that Miley Cyrus' dress was a bit unflattering for someone with such broad shoulder's but other than that I agree whole heartily with your coverage.

  2. Thank you so much. You certainly have a point about the dress not being the most flattering on Miley. I think the dress itself is quite lovely, but Miley Cyrus has yet to score on my true fashionista list.
