
Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding: Second Wedding Dress

So in my previous post when I said no more Royal Wedding pots...yeah, I lied. I just saw the Kate's second wedding dress (for the evening soiree)-also designed by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen-and I think I love it even more than the first. No wait, that's not true either because each dress suits a different purpose: the first to introduce a new princess to the people, and the second for a beautiful young bride to enjoy herself with ease, comfort and grace.

With her hair loose and lightly curled we are reassured that the Kate we have all grown to love is still there.


  1. I've read all your wedding posts! I've totally been sucked into the whole royal wedding thing.. I LOVED it! It was really spectacular! Her dress was stunning! xx

  2. Thanks Sriya. It was a truly a moment to remember
