
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Too Faced Better Than False Lashes Nylon Lash Extension System Review

It is not a secret that this beauty blogger doesn't own a single pair (or singles) of false lashes. I have only reviewed one pair in my blogging history and they didn't last very long in my collection due to laziness and the fact that they simply were not a necessary step in my beauty regime. When Too Faced claimed to have a mascara system that would give the same effect of false lashes minus the tedious application, I was intrigued and hopeful. 

A 2-product-3-step system, Too Faced's Better Than False Lashes promises outrageous and flirty lashes with their exclusive Flexistretch nylon fibers. According to consumer study results, 98% saw longer lashes, 42% an increase in lash length, 98% an increase in lash volume, and 90% saw thicker lashes. 


First of all, I am so tired of lash products using imagery that has been blatantly Photoshopped or enhanced with false lashes. What does it say about the faith a company has in their product when they use this type of imaging in their marketing? If a product cannot sell itself with results, than perhaps it needs some tweaking a reformulation. I know that Too Faced is not the only brand that does this, but as I consumer I find this very misleading and   insulting (do they think we aren't smart enough to notice?). 

Aside from the cover image, the box packaging is very well done. The claims and steps are easy to find and follow with a lot of information put forth in a manageable and concise manner. The font and detail are ultra feminine and legible. The mascara tube feels very luxe and has a great weight to it. The high shine gold doesn't transfer finger prints and is easy to clean of any mascara transfer. The overall packaging is one of the nicest I have come across in a while. 


The mascara is used as both the base coat (Step 1) and the top coat (Step 2). I found the formula to be dry which has both pros and cons. On the pro, there was no clumping or smudging and it gave great definition; on the con, it can not build up a lot of volume-only length. It dries to great glossy ink black that enhances the dramatic effect.

Nylon Lash Fibers
The second step in this system takes some practice to master. The fibers resemble fluffy white cotton and need to be applied carefully or they can flutter in to the eye causing irritation. It is hard to gage how much product needs to be applied for ultimate results, so practice makes perfect. Because the product is so dense and fluffy, it requires a lot of layers and patience to cover with the top coat and inevitably I always had some white showing through. No bueno.


Blinking was uncomfortable for the first hour because lashes kept on sticking and tugging on the mascara on the bottom lashes. To avoid this, I applied the fibers only to the tips but that minimized the added fullness and left me with just added length. I could feel that I was wearing mascara all day because my lashes felt a little heavy, very similar to how they would if I was wearing actual false lashes. 

I achieved some great separation, definition, and length with this product. From a distance my lashes looked more dramatic and flirtatious but up close they looked quite spidery and brittle. My lashes definitely looked fuller and lusher when they were lowered but I wish it had the same affect when my eye were open. 

Overall Impressions

As a fan of Too Faced products-particularly their eyeshadow palettes-I was disappointed with the results of this mascara. I was expecting dramatic results but, while the my lashes did look longer and thicker, I feel like I could get the same results from a singular mascara. It didn't feel weightless on my lashes and the tugging when I blinked was annoying. The mascara will work well on its own because of its lash defining properties, so at least it won't go to waste.

Grade: C+

**Products provided by PR for editorial consideration**


  1. Great review, I totally agree about the doctored lash photos. How dumb do they think we are?

    I was thinking of getting this, but I think I'll pass. It's too bad that the results were so "meh" but your lashes so look great.

  2. I can just tell my lashes would look am mess with this. I think makeup should look good close up and far away. And this seems like it will be crappy from close up. Ah well.
